Once you get your mindset right, everything else falls into place. It’s the best life elevating tool you possess, but you have to constantly focus on keeping your thoughts in check for success!

5 Steps to a Positive Mindset

1. Let it Go

The first step in letting go is being aware of or acknowledging the thoughts that no longer serve you.

Any limiting or closed-minded beliefs that are not supporting you on your journey need to GO. With practice, work on letting them go by applying steps 2-5.

2. Shift

Once you’re aware of the thoughts, ideas, beliefs and old patterns that are not serving you, you then make the decision to shift.

Now, this will not happen overnight, it takes dedication, commitment, and practice.

Take 3 deep breaths before reacting to anything happening in your life. Then think of something you are grateful for or that is going to be “your happy place” in your mind. Instead of reacting, respond.

3. Lead with love

Think about the true authentic self vs. the ego. The true authentic self leads from the heart and leads with love vs. the ego who leads from fear and doubt.

So if you’re confronted with a situation, pause and take a moment to drop down into your heart. Connect with your true, highest self and then make a decision from there vs. immediately reacting from the ego.

This will help you avoid arguments with yourself and others and ultimately help you find peace.

4. Practice, Practice, Practice

Cultivate the positive in every situation. Perspective is key.

How can you shift your mindset to look at the positive rather than focusing on the negative?

Find the silver lining – there is ALWAYS a lesson to be learnt from every experience – whether good or bad. It is a matter of perspective.

Actively try to find that lesson rather than falling into “victim mode.” Ask yourself, what did you learn? How did you grow? What will you do differently next time?

Shift into gratitude – this is one of the quickest and easiest ways to practice all of the above.

When you take the ego out of the situation, and instead connect with your heart and focus on what you are grateful for in your life, it reduces the significance of any daunting situation that lies before you.

5. Develop a Morning Ritual

I can’t emphasize this enough! Morning rituals are the BEST way to begin the day and set you up for success.

The way you start your day sets the tone and your mood for everything you will encounter out in the world.

Here are some of the rituals I have found to be helpful:

1. Do NOT pick up your phone or computer until you have completed your rituals.

When you pick up your phone and emails as the first thing in the morning, that catapults you into the future versus being in the present moment. So, I encourage you to give yourself 30 minutes in the morning, just for yourself, before diving into your to-do lists.

This may even mean waking up 10-15 minutes earlier.

2. Daily affirmation or morning meditation – you can do this before you get out of bed or you can do it in the shower.

Taking 3-5 minutes to focus on your breathing or an affirmation for the day. Focus on what you want to bring more of into your life.

3. Morning stretch for the body and mind. 

Take small movements and simple stretches to get the energy flowing through your body.

Perhaps sitting in child’s pose, stretching from side to side, doing a few half sun salutations.

4. Morning Gratitude practice – this can be done during meditation in your mind or you can take a few minutes to write down in your journal the things you are grateful for.

It can be as simple as “I am grateful for the coffee I am about to drink” or “a hot shower” or you can get deeper.

5. Drink lots of water in the morning and during the day. Anything we do that is routine can become a ritual.

Put intention behind your morning. Fill it with intentional positive thoughts, shifting into gratitude and nourishing your mind, body and soul before starting your “workday.”

I can almost guarantee, you will find yourself in a better mood and be able to handle difficult situations thrown at you with more ease.

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Yours in success and happiness,
